When to Call an Exterminator for Ants

When to Call an Exterminator for Ants

A Guide for New Jersey Homeowners

Ant infestations can be a nuisance and, in some cases, a serious problem for homeowners. While some ant problems can be managed with DIY methods, others require professional intervention.

Signs of an Ant Infestation

Identifying an ant infestation early can prevent it from becoming a larger issue. Here are some common signs that indicate the presence of ants in your home:

Visible Trails of Ants: Ants leave pheromone trails for other ants to follow. Seeing a line of ants moving to and from a food source is a clear sign of an infestation.

Ant Nests: Finding nests or anthills near your home or in your yard indicates that ants have established a colony nearby. Indoors, nests can be hidden in walls, under floors, or behind appliances.

Scattered Ants: Spotting individual ants in various parts of your home, especially in kitchens and bathrooms, can indicate a growing infestation.

Discarded Wings: If you find piles of discarded wings near windowsills, doorways, or other entry points, it is a sign of swarming ants that are looking to establish new colonies.

Wood Damage: Carpenter ants can cause significant damage to wooden structures. Look for wood shavings or sawdust near wooden surfaces, which indicate their nesting activity.

Potential Issues Caused by Ants

Ants can cause various problems for homeowners, ranging from minor nuisances to significant damage:

Food Contamination: Ants can contaminate food sources as they forage, posing a risk to your health by spreading bacteria.

Property Damage: Carpenter ants can cause structural damage by tunneling through wood to create their nests.

Painful Bites: Some ants, like fire ants, can deliver painful bites or stings, which can be a concern for people with allergies.

Persistent Infestations: Ant colonies can be difficult to eliminate completely without professional help, leading to recurring infestations.

When to Call an Exterminator

While minor ant problems can sometimes be managed with DIY solutions, there are situations where professional extermination is necessary:

Persistent Infestations: If you have tried over-the-counter ant baits and sprays without success and ants continue to return, it’s time to call an exterminator.

Large Colonies: Large colonies or multiple nests indicate a serious infestation that requires professional treatment to eliminate completely.

Carpenter Ants: If you suspect carpenter ants, it’s crucial to call an exterminator to prevent structural damage to your home.

Health Concerns: If ants are contaminating food or posing a risk to people with allergies, professional intervention is necessary to ensure your home is safe.

Unknown Entry Points: Professional exterminators can identify and seal entry points that you may have missed, preventing ants from re-entering your home.

How quickly can an exterminator get rid of ants?

The time required to eliminate an ant infestation depends on the severity of the problem. Most infestations can be controlled within a few days to a couple of weeks with proper treatment and follow-up.

Are the products used by exterminators safe for pets and children?

Yes, professional exterminators use products that are safe for humans and pets when applied correctly. They will also provide guidelines on how to ensure safety during and after treatment.

Can ants come back after treatment?

Ants can return if entry points are not properly sealed and if there are food sources available. Professional exterminators will address these issues to prevent re-infestation.

How can I prevent ants from entering my home?

To prevent ants from entering, seal cracks and gaps around your home, store food in airtight containers, keep your home clean and clutter-free, and eliminate potential nesting sites.

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